Portable CoffeeCup Flash Menu Builder v3.5 inc Serial

e hënë, 6 shtator 2010

Be a gracious host: Use CoffeeCup Flash Menu Builder, the easiest way to create interactive menus for your Website users. Choose your button design, adjust colors and fonts, and add sound and effects — the whole process is intuitive and easy to learn. Best of all, you don’t need to know Flash or HTML. Your Website will look sophisticated and professional, and your users will thank you.
Features of Flash Menu Builder:
- Flash Menu Builder comes with all the tools and features you need to design attractive, functional menus.
- Add custom borders, backgrounds, and mouse-click sounds.
- Flash Menu Builder outputs a Flash .swf file, so your menu will work in all browsers.
- Flash Menu Builder comes with more than 200 graphics and buttons.
- Snazzy effects like fade-in give your menu design a boost.
- Use the convenient, built-in FTP client to upload your files.

Portable CoffeeCup Flash Menu Builder v3.5 Download Links / Size: 5.2MB

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