Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 FULL VERSION

e shtunë, 4 shtator 2010

"Create stunning 3D models in less time with Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 software. "

Autodesk 3ds Max provides a comprehensive, integrated 3D modeling, animation, and rendering solution for game developers, visual effects artists, and graphic designers.

* Powerful 3D modeling—With an extensive polygon modeling and texture mapping toolset, modelers and texture artists can work more quickly and effectively.
* Advanced character rigging and animation—The fully integrated Character Animation Toolkit (CAT) provides an out-of-the-Box advanced rigging and animation system.
* Choice of integrated Renderers—Artists can create highly realistic or stylized looks using the tightly integrated 3ds Max scan line and mental ray renderers, including unlimited free mental ray network rendering to finish rendering FASTER.
* Extensible Pipeline support—Developers can customize, extend, and integrate 3ds Max into their existing pipelines with support for C ++ and .NET.
* FBX Import/Export for Unreal pipelines—Create and animate models in Autodesk 3ds Max and export as Autodesk FBX files, and then import into Unreal Editor.

Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 Download Links / Size: 409.6MB


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