IDA Pro Advanced v5.5 incl Hex Rays.Decompiler v1.1 FULL VERSION

e premte, 3 shtator 2010

IDA Pro Advanced - best of all disassembler. It is an interactive disassembler. Ie in it, there is the possibility of interaction with the user. Can (and should) be used with Soft-Ice NuMega. Allows several times to reduce the time re-engineering programs. I think on something to explain it makes no sense, because who knows, he will download, but who knows, I advise you quickly download.

IDA Pro - interactive disassembler, it means that the user is actively involved in the process of disassembly. Supports large number of formats: Win32 PE ExE, DLL, OCX, DOS EXE, UNIX EXE, MacOS, Java, ARM, dotNET, Xbox, Sony PlayStation, BeOS, OS / 2, etc. IDA Pro - a leader in disassembling programs worthy of analogues simply does not exist!
IDA Pro is a Windows or Linux hosted multi-processor disassembler and debugger that offers so many features it is hard to describe them all. Just grab an evaluation version if you want a test drive. An executive summary is provided for the non-technical user.

he IDA Pro Disassembler and Debugger is an interactive, programmable, extendible, multi-processor disassembler hosted on the Windows platform. Universally acclaimed as the best disassembler money can buy, IDA Pro has become the de-facto standard for the analysis of hostile code and is quickly establishing itself as a major tool in the field of vulnerability research.

The main objective - the transformation of binary code in a readable text of the program - supplemented with many unique features:

*Recognition of standard library functions (technology FLIRT)
*Interactive work
*Advanced navigation system
*The system of types and parameters of functions
*Built-in programming language IDC
*Open and modular architecture
*Possibility to work with virtually all popular processors (list)
*Possibility to work with virtually all popular file formats (list)
*Work with data structures and high level: arrays, structures, enumerated types
*Built-in debugger for Win32
*Typical examples of problems solved with the help of a disassembler:
*Analysis ofes,s and other
*Search for errors in programs
*Exploring the resultant code
*Validation program
*Optimization programs
*Develop protection and the search for security holes

Key Features:

*Windows and Linux Disassembler
*Disassembler modules for a large number of processors. Our free SDK even allows you to roll your own custom disassembler.
*Full interactivity and extendability direct, through keyboard interaction.
*Through an internal programming language.
*Through external plugins (unlimited power: our debugger is a plugin).
as close as possible to the high level source code flirt technology (fast library identification and recognition technology).
*Type system and parameter tracking and identification
code graphing Windows, Linux Debugger.
*The debugger adds dynamic analysis to the information gathered statically by the disassembler.
*Offers all the features expected from a debugger and more: remote debugger, tracing.
*Remote Windows and Linux debugger: target either Windows or Linux machines in any combination.


*Upload on HotFile Premium Account
*Add Recovery Record 10%
*No CRC error
*No password
*Tested and 100% working

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