Kaspersky 2010 & 2011 Anti-Blacklist Patch + Keys + Skins

e shtunë, 4 shtator 2010

Kaspersky 2010 & 2011 Anti-Blacklist Patch by Team NKD

1. disable self defense and close kaspersky
2. open kascrackv11rp.exe & choose your install-folder
3. start kaspersky and enable self defense
4. use the key from key dir and enjoy 2048 days

1. disable self defense and close kaspersky
2. open k11crackv1.exe & choose your installfolder
3. start kaspersky and enable self defense
4. use 11111-11111-11111-1111X as Activation Code
5. use the key from key dir and enjoy 2048 days


the INSTALLED DIRECTORY should be the exact path where you installed Kaspersky i.e. \Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky (Antivirus/Internet Security) NOT the default \Program Files\Kaspersky Lab on the installer. also, add clldr.dll and/or wtsapi32.dll on exclusion list.

AV marks exploit as Hacktool.Kiser.* so you need add it to trusted zone. You must add it only by "alert type" and "for all av components".


*30 August 2010* Kav , Kis Keys 2010 / 2011


Kasper 2011 Skins

10 Skins

Blue Skin
Bronze Skin by cool4y
Final BLACK by Misaki2009
Final BLUE v2 by Misaki2009
Gothic Skin
Kubuntu Skin by cool4y
Mac OS Skin by cool4y
Purple Skin by cool4y
Ubuntu Skin by cool4y
Win7 Skin

Proper Skin Instructions

How to use?

1. Open Kaspersky and click "Settings".
2. Uncheck "Enable Protection".
3. Uncheck "Enable Self-Defense".
4. Press "Apply" and "OK".
5. Close Kaspersky.
6. Completely exit Kaspersky (Right-click icon and select "Exit")
7. Open your downloaded skin and extract folder with skin to C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 2011\Skin or C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2011\Skin
8. Open Kaspersky, go to "Settings" and check "Enable Protection" and "Enable Self-Defense".
9. Go to "Appearance" and check "Use alternative skin". Click "Browse.." and select your folder with skin. Wink
10. Press "Apply" and "OK". Wink
11. Done! Very Happy


Kaspersky 2010 & 2011 Anti-Blacklist Patch + Keys + Skins Download Links / Size: 5.9MB

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