Flash FXP 4.0 Multilingual FULL VERSION

e shtunë, 4 shtator 2010

Flash FXP 4.0 Multilingual FULL VERSION

Incl. CRACK!

CNET reviews:
FlashFXP is a FTP client for Windows, transfers files between your PC and remote computers running a FTP server or directly between two FTP servers using site-to-site transfers (FXP). FlashFXP uses a familiar, Explorer-like interface that even the most novice user can master in minutes. It offers features such as drag-and-drop, recursive CHMOD remote file-attribute modification, SSL/TLS transfer, enterprise-friendly roll-out options, firewall and proxy options, strong application encryption, speed limiting, statistics, scheduling, and auto reconnecting, directory comparison, custom commands, skip list, and path bookmarks. Use FlashFXP to publish and maintain your website, easily transfer large files between your home and office, upload and download documents, photos, videos, music.


*Upload on HotFile Premium Account
*Add Recovery Record 10%
*No CRC error
*No password
*Tested and 100% working

Flash FXP 4.0 Multilingual FULL VERSION Download Links / Size: 7.7MB

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