Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool Portable

e shtunë, 21 gusht 2010

Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool Portable [11/08/2010] | 73.1 Mb

The Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool application was designed to be another virus scanner and detection software from Kaspersky. The product will scan the specified locations for any virus threats and remove them or send to Quarantine folder

Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool - software developed by Kaspersky Labs to provide additional security against malicious programs. Kaspersky AVP Tool finds and cures: viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware and adware, all types of rootkits and similar malicious programs.

- Excellent detection of malicious programs and strong ability to remove.
- Simple and intuitive interface.
- Can be installed on an infected system (in safe mode).
- Comprehensive testing and treatment: the search for malware signature detection and heuristic analyzer.
- Collect system information and interactive scripting.
- Automatic and manual removal of various types of malicious programs.

Kaspersky AVP Tool is designed to quickly find and isolate files, but can not be used as a permanent means of virus protection. To ensure the security of your computer must have to have another "normal" anti-virus with the means of protection in real time.

Changes in the latest version:
updated database of malware.

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