Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Final + Trial Reset + Skin (2010)

e shtunë, 21 gusht 2010

Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 Final + Trial Reset + Skin (2010) | 246 MB
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 - a new step in protecting your computer. The new product line will be a lot of innovations.What's
The product will be requested from the KSN information about the application (including policy HIPS), including WoC (Wisdom of the Crowd)
The product will be reported to the user:
- Path
- General information
- Status protection
- The date you receive this application at the first of the participants (WoC)
- Number of participants KSN, who have this application (WoC)
- Distribution of applications by groups of trust among participants KSN (WoC)
- Geographical distribution of applications by members KSN (WoC)

Kaspersky Gadget
The product will be displayed in the gadget protection status, active checking, updating
Gadget allows you to:
- Run the product, if he is not running
- Get access to the main window
- Run the ODS for the selected object (file, folder, disk), which can drag on the gadget
- Read the news News Agent (go to news)
- Get access to Safe Desktop

Parental controls will be similar to RK in Pure
- Control of games (age rating)
- Monitoring the use of p2p
- Checking e-mail correspondence
- Monitoring the use of social networking
- Category Sites credit card payment

The new Rescue Disc 10
- Now it will check the authenticity of the disc
- Product will update the database if they are not relevant
- The product will be able to record RD on CD / DVD
- The product will be able to record RD on a USB-media
- Rescue Disk will treat not only the files on the disk, but all the startup items: registry, startup folder, ini-files, etc.

Green Zone
- Safe Desktop - Alternative workbench user
Green Zone of Internet
Categories of Internet resources:
- Red - Reputation Service LC resource is known as a dangerous
- Grey - reputation services LC does not have data about the resource, or not enough
- Green - secure resource
Geo Security - product may block the circulation to resources in some regions (if the user believes that the visit of resources in this region is not desirable)
SandBox will share the software on browsers and other

Search Harmful
- Idle-scan - test run with certain parameters in the computer is idle. Purpose - start-intensive tasks (updating databases, scan for rootkits, scan the system partition) If not applicable to the user.

System Watcher
- Builds and maintains Event logs from various sources, provides information on the various subsystems of the product with a view to identifying behaviors characteristic of malware.
- Provides the user the information necessary for decision making when he runs in interactive mode.

Intelligent Installer
If during the installation error, Kaspersky Internet Security 2011:
- Inform the user that may, in the system is active Harmful and offer download and install AVPTool
If the installation process has encountered a license from another product line of home LC (KAV KIS found a license, or vice versa):
- The product will offer a pick up this license and a corresponding change in the functional (ie, KAV will KISom and vice versa), or specify a different license
PS: Plus User's Guide and video on trial reset!
PS: How to add a reg key click (Win + R) and insert
"/ Kaspersky Lab / Kaspersky Internet Security 2011/avp.com" addkey "D: KIS11 (17-08-2010). Key"
where D: KIS11 (17-08-2010), this place the key!

System requirements:
* Windows XP, Vista, 7
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
* Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0 or higher
* 480 MB free hard disk space
* 512 MB RAM
* Intel Pentium 800 MHz 32-bit or higher

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