F-Secure Internet Security 2010

e shtunë, 21 gusht 2010

F-Secure Internet Security 2010 offers better security online without slowing down your computer. The completely redesigned new version offers significantly improved performance, including 70 % less memory consumption and 60 % faster scanning. It also provides enhanced protection against viruses, malware, spam e-mail, and cyber criminals.Automatic updates and advanced cloud computing technology ensure the fastest protection against new threats. The new Browsing Protection feature tells you which websites are safe to enter and which you should avoid. Harmful sites are blocked automatically to ensure safe surfing while renewed Parental Control keeps children safe from inappropriate web content. Extensive usability studies have helped us create a user experience that sets a new standard for safe PC use. Any problems are handled automatically, without disturbing the user. You are safe, whatever you do online.


* Easy to install and use
* Real-time blocking of viruses, spyware and other malware
* Instant protection against new threats (DeepGuard)
* Firewall for protection against hackers
* Browsing Protection identifies dangerous websites and protects your identity online
* Protects children from inappropriate web content
* Spam & phishing e-mail filtering.

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